Try something. See what happens. Repeat.
Xperiment is a collective of scientists and artists interested in leveraging exploring and understanding our world. We explore cancer, the microbiome, cooperation, kombucha, the origins of multicellular life and the nature of sociality through sci-art.
xperimental vision
A new kind of experiment at the nexus of art and science.
Science to measure, explore, and generate new hypotheses
Art to visualize, reconceptualize and re-see the world
Xperiment to understand the nature of life, the reasons for death, and what it means to be human
The C word
Cancer. Cooperation. Conflict. Culture. Cacti.
Sounding Board
Something like news
Sculpture explores the nature of cancer
ASU mixed media ceramics professor Susan Beiner is in residence in the Aktipis & Maley labs, as well as the Arizona Cancer Evolution Center exploring the nature of cancer and developing plans for a ceramics creation that will illustrate the invasive and metastatic nature of cancer through the 3-dimensional affordances of sculpture. When complete, this sculpture will be installed in the ASU Memorial Union.
Digital visualization of cancer pushes boundaries
Vicky Isley and Paul Smith of Boredom Research are in residence with the Aktipis & Maley labs, as well as the Arizona Cancer Evolution Center to create a digital visualization of cancer. This work will be shown at the CDC Gallery in Washington D.C., The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, The St. Joseph Medical Facility in Phoenix, and the ASU Art Museum at Arizona State University.
The sound of cellular cheating
Science x Rhymes explore what happens when a maverick cell decides to cheat it's way on back to a unicellular life. A song inspired by our science.
Kombucha as a window into the montrous
When happens when Frankenstien meets kombucha? Frankenbucha! We explored the slightly monstrous multispecies nature of kombucha at the EMERGE festival.
One reciprocity,
two reciprocity
Sometimes science needs poetry to figure out what it means. This poem explores the meaning of the word reciprocity.
The art of the conference
Alex Cagen, illustrated the speakers at the bi-annual International Society for Evolution, Ecology and Cancer conference. Click here to see all the illustrations.
Endless forms most beautiful
Next to the new Biodesign C building you'll find a unique and beautiful garden featuring cancerous cacti. These cacti have cancer-like growths called crests or fasciations. Read more about the "Endless forms most beautiful" garden here.
On Spec Salon
Old school. New rules.
On Spec is a monthly collaborative art-science salon sponsored by Xperiment. Anything can happen.
An Artist in Scienceland.
I recently had the distinct displeasure of being in a hospital and an emergency room in Michigan. The architecture of the ER reminded me of a combination dungeon and casino. It was difficult to know what time of the day it was. No light. No air. No cell phone service. Machines blinked and beeped...March 19, 2019On Saturday, February 23, 2019, members of the Aktipis Cooperation and Conflict Lab were out strutting their stuff for the Arizona State University Open Door event. Jessica Ayers (http://www.jessicadayers.org/) is a graduate student interested in “gaining a better understanding of the nuances of...December 18, 2018What’s in a name? Honestly, almost too much. We recently created what I thought was going to be a small art experiment. We needed to come up with something for the Biodesign Homecoming tent. Every year, most of the various schools at Arizona State University participate in strutting their stuff...Who
Who are we anyway?
We are a collection of several hundred trillion human and microbial cells interacting within a semi-structured metapopulation in and around the campus of Arizona State University. Xperiment is affiliated with the Cooperation and Conflict Lab (Aktipis Lab) and the Cancer Evolution Lab (Maley lab) at ASU. It is co-Directed by Pamela Winfrey and Athena Aktipis.
An average girl from Iowa walks away from her hunter/ gatherer existence. She encounters destabilized scientists, economic disasters, sick babies, and artists with guns and lands, slightly tottering, in a tribe of rarified characters.
When a high-stakes genetic hybridization experiment between an artist and biochemist gives rise to a misfit child living in her own alternate universe, she must set off an lifetime journey to discover the fundamental landscape of cooperation and conflict so that she can return to the world of the living. But she faces an impossible choice: How can she turn her back on the undead in order to join conventional society?
xperiment with us